Listening and Reflecting & Improving
Dexter (Year 1) and Dylan (Year 3)
Enthusiasm and Independence
Freddie (Year 1) and Thabani (Year 6)
Self-control and creativity
Our Character Champions:
Nominations taking place!
This year's Anti-Bullying Week theme is 'Choose respect'. In addition to some fun assemblies, all classes completed a piece of work around the theme, encouraging our children to respect others. In addition to this, we participated in Odd Socks Day on Tuesday to celebrate our differences that make us unique - See some photos below.
All children enjoyed mixing together with children from other classes in their Key Stages today to participate in our Character Building Morning. This involved teachers planning a fun session designed to develop one or more of our character muscles. It was lovely to see the children all working together and our older children supporting the younger children with the tasks - see photos below
I'm Miss Barnes and I have the pleasure of being the PSHE and Mental Health Lead along with my other roles as the SENCo and Year 2 Class teacher. I feel very passionate about all children receiving a quality and comprehensive PSHE education as I feel it underpins all subject areas. PSHE helps to develop the qualities and attributes that children need to manage opportunities, challenges and responsibilities as they grow up, enabling them to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. I believe a virtuous cycle can be achieved, whereby pupils with better health and well-being can achieve better academically, which in turn leads to greater success.
I am thoroughly enjoying leading this subject and I am looking forward to further developing our PSHE offer this year.