Welcome to Year 2
Our class teacher is Miss Barnes and we are supported by Mrs Hall, Miss Davies and Mrs Hooton. Mr Mullins teaches our class on a Thursday morning.
Please have a look at our curriculum map to see what we will be learning and remember to regularly check our class news page for updates!
Homework will be sent home every Friday and is due in the following Wednesday.
We have a reading raffle every Friday morning. Children receive a raffle ticket for reading at least 5 times in one week. If children have not read at least 3 times, they will be given the opportunity to do this during their Golden Time.
Year 2 children have the opportunity to change their library books on Fridays so please ensure your child's library book is in their book bag on this day.
If you have any queries or would like to share some news, you can contact the Year 2 team using our class email:
Our PE lessons will be on Monday and Tuesday afternoons this half-term and will focus on fitness. Children will need their indoor and outdoor PE kits in school for these lessons. Please ensure all items are clearly labelled. Children will need to remove their earrings for all PE lessons - we cannot assist with this.
Forest School
Our Forest School sessions will resume after the Christmas holiday.
Miss K Barnes
Class Teacher/SENCO
Mrs L Hall
Teaching Assistant
Miss C Hooton
Teaching Assistant
Miss C Davies
Teaching Assistant